Thanks to My Amazing Musician Friends!

Today I want to give recognition to all the friends and musicians that helped me make this album what it is. Jason Geml, who is a good friend that I met at Redemption House, inspired me with his guitar riffs and beautiful chords he played. His unique and original sounds opened a box of creativity I didn’t know I had. I hadn’t sang music in nearly 20 years but the minute he started playing the guitar, a melody would pop into my head and we were able to create songs as if we had being working together for years. We worked together on 6 songs for the album. I also want to thank other musicians from Redemption House…

Forest Kelley who plays mandolin and violin. Ryan Clayton from Tennessee who came up with the catchy riff for "Faithful and Just". And my friend Chris Huerta, who introduced me to his daughter, Moriah. Moriah did back-up vocals in nearly all the songs and is a worship leader at her church.Also special thanks to: Luke Hundeby for your ripping electric guitar ideas; Kyle Broberg on keys and organ; Marcel Franco and Mark Ostlie on bass; and last but not least my good friend Matt Gusmer (aka. Goose the Drummer) who provided all the drums and pushed me to my potential while he produced the entire album in his home studio.

Love to all you brothers and sisters.